Thursday, April 21

On The Statue of Liberty

Originally uploaded by soylentgreen23.

My most recent travels took me to New York, for my brother's 22nd birthday. It was the first time I had visited this great city, though I've been to the USA many times before.

This shot was taken at the end of our second day. We had split up - my Mum, Richard and Tammy having gone shopping whilst I explored Manhattan, taking photographs. In the morning we had considered taking the ferry out to see the statue properly, but one look at the choppy waters was enough to dissuade us. I returned on my own, hoping to get across, but I was too late. My plan had been to go over to the statue, take some photos, and then on our return to England surprise everyone with what I'd produced. "When did you take those?" I would be asked.

Instead, I had to settle for this, a rather melancholic sunset, the statue competing with the dockyard cranes for attention. I love this photo, because it perfectly encapsulates how I felt on that cold night in February, alone with my thoughts.

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