Tuesday, May 30

Photos, Photos

Originally uploaded by soylentgreen23.

My new macro lens finally arrived today. I took it out with me after work and in the space of 16 minutes (I checked the date stamps on the files) I managed to take 114 photographs. Now obviously you haven't got time to look at 114 photographs but I have gone to the trouble of uploading some of them so if you don't mind...

And in case you're wondering, the lens is a Sigma 50mm macro, and it is beautiful. I should take a photo of it sometime, it's that great. It has this little gold band at the top by the lens cap, and it feels weighty and substantial like it means something. It is easily the best lens I've got, even though it cost as much as a good compact camera (ouch). I love macro photography, so it'll get enough use to justify its pricetag - by the end of the week I should think.

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