Tuesday, April 11

Budapest Parliament

Budapest Parlament
Originally uploaded by Citroën Guy.

It has been a long, long time since I last posted anything here, which is a real shame. My poor, long suffering audience - I can understand why you've chosen not to comment spam me in the intervening months.

This picture shows where I'm going next - Budapest, the Hungarian capital. This time next week, and I'll be there. I've also booked a further trip abroad for June - Peru and Bolivia courtesy of Explore.

I'm 27 full years old in the summer - by the time I get back from Lima no less - so how am I doing with the ol' fifty in fifty plan? Here's how (looking ahead to the completion of the trips I've paid for but haven't quite completed yet - in bold):

  1. Austria

  2. Belgium

  3. Bolivia

  4. Canada

  5. Czech Republic

  6. Denmark

  7. Estonia

  8. Finland

  9. France

  10. Germany

  11. Hungary

  12. India

  13. Italy

  14. Japan

  15. Latvia

  16. Lithuania

  17. Portugal

  18. Peru

  19. Spain

  20. Sweden

  21. Switzerland

  22. Ukraine

  23. United Arab Emirates, The

  24. United States of America, The

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