Thursday, June 1


Originally uploaded by soylentgreen23.
I've now started packing for the trip. I want to take as much camera equipment as I can manage, but since I know I'll have to carry it I also don't want to take anything more than two lenses and a tripod. I need the latter because I might be able to get to Machu Pichu early in the morning to do a long exposure, and also it is cheap and light and doesn't count for much. However, the question is which lenses to take? I should really take the standard lens because it has the widest field of view - again very useful for Machu Pichu. I should also take one of my telephoto lenses, probably the physically smaller Nikon one, because then I can do proper people shots with the blurred background. The real question then is this: do I take the macro lens and try and find space for it in my luggage? This is a very hard subject to settle, because my camera bag only has room for two lenses, not three, and I don't want to risk getting any of my lenses damaged. What to do, what to do...

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