Wednesday, August 15

On a return to the old school

I haven't blogged in ages; not properly at least. So today, having grown tired of facebook, I've gone old school. I've returned.

Blogger has improved since I was last here; not a lot, mind you, but in some interesting areas. For instance, I like the idea of adding 'labels' to your posts, to better organise them. This is a lot better than simple archives of all blog posts according to date. It's not a new idea by any means - how many sites have tags, and even tag clouds to go with them? - but it's a step in the right direction. When one considers just how much one can do on facebook with the applications there, blogger seems mildly pedestrian in comparison - unless you know a little html and adopt more of a do-it-yourself attitude.

The worst thing about not blogging is that I always used to use my blog as a way of keeping track of interesting things online. I haven't been doing that much lately. I'm behind in my internet browsing too. I only discovered video sift the other day, and now love it; and I'm coming across great blogs all the time, like The Book Design Review right here on blogger. I'm sure if I had my own computer I'd do a lot more linking, and would probably do what I've done in the past, and buy webspace. But that hasn't been the case for a long time.

I've started writing again too. I need to find a place online to publish my work, and hopefully get some feedback. My good friend Ola has agreed to critique my latest effort, which is something I'm looking forward to reading. She tells me she's going to be merciless, which sounds both wonderful and frightening.

Finally, I've decided to go back to my scientific paper method of naming blog entries - I kind of like everything beginning with the word "on."

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