Friday, August 12

EUR05: Country Two, Estonia

Tallin Old Town Walls
Originally uploaded by expectdelays.

Well, what a day it's been. I woke up at five this morning and made my way to the airport in Ukraine, flew from there to Helsinki, got a bus into town, traipsed down to the harbour, got onto a ferry, and an hour and a half of bouncing around later I was in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia and the second country on my list for EUR05 (Finland you will understand doesn't count until I return on Monday).

Tallinn is all rather beautiful, and reminds me of Bruges in Belgium. I went to Bruges so that I could drink "Dr Evil style" but everything was so expensive there. In comparison, Tallinn practically gives its drink away. Which is nice.

What's not so nice is the rain. The storm affecting most of Eastern Europe is affecting here as well, and the sky is a patchy mess of blue and grey, and I fear that any photos I take now will be touched by the greyness and won't come out too well. So I'll explore this afternoon, and get my snaps done tomorrow. If it isn't as bad.

I'm really beginning to get excited about this trip now. Because of the constrictions I faced in Ukraine - advanced hotel reservations, the flights - it felt as though it was a completely separate entity from what I am now experiencing. I still need to make some arrangements in advance - all that's left is to book a ferry from x to y sometime for the week after next, and that'll be that. I'll tell you what x and y are when they're done. In case I change my mind.

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